版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Discrete Mathematics is a branch of mathematics involving discrete elements that uses algebra and arithmetic. It is increasingly being applied in the practical fields of mathematics and computer science. It is a very good tool for improving reasoning and problem-solving capabilities. This tutorial explains the fundamental concepts of Sets, Relations and Functions, Mathematical Logic, Group theory, Counting Theory, Probability, Mathematical Induction and Recurrence Relations, Graph Theory, Trees and Boolean Algebra.
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This tutorial has been prepared for students pursuing a degree in any field of computer science and mathematics. It endeavors to help students grasp the essential concepts of discrete mathematics.
Topics in Discrete Mathematics
Though there cannot be a definite number of branches of Discrete Mathematics, the following topics are almost always covered in any study regarding this matter −
Discrete Mathematics - Introduction
Sets, Relations, & Functions
Discrete Mathematics - Sets
Discrete Mathematics - Relations
Discrete Mathematics - Functions
Mathematical Logic
Propositional Logic
Predicate Logic
Rules of Inference
Group Theory
Operators & Postulates
Group Theory
Counting & Probability
Counting Theory
Mathematical & Recurrence
Mathematical Induction
Recurrence Relation
Discrete Structures
Graph & Graph Models
More on Graphs
Introduction to Trees
Spanning Trees
Boolean Algebra
Boolean Expressions & Functions
Simplification of Boolean Functions
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